People are just now realizing the meaning of the “WC” toilet sign, which stands for “water closet.” This term originated in the 1900s when homes began installing indoor plumbing, and toilets were often placed in closets. These spaces, with one of the few sources of running water in the house, became known as water closets.
While many now use the term bathroom for a room with a toilet, historically, a bathroom referred to a separate room with a bathtub. The abbreviation “WC” remains widely used to indicate a restroom with a toilet but no bath.
Over time, the term “WC” became more popular in Europe, particularly in the UK, where it is still commonly seen on restroom signs. In contrast, American English adopted “restroom” or “bathroom” instead. Many tourists visiting Europe for the first time are often puzzled by the “WC” signs, only to discover it simply means a toilet or lavatory.
The term “water closet” may seem outdated to some, but it has persisted as a polite, somewhat formal way to refer to a public toilet. In countries like Germany, France, and the Netherlands, you’ll find “WC” on signage in public places, restaurants, and hotels.
Interestingly, some countries have taken it a step further and incorporated “WC” into the design of more private, compact bathrooms. Japan, for example, often labels small restrooms as “water closets,” sometimes equipped with advanced features like bidets and heated seats, all within a compact space.
In today’s world, the term “WC” has become a familiar sight for travelers, a reminder of how language and culture shape even the most mundane aspects of daily life. So, next time you see “WC,” you’ll know it’s a nod to the early days of indoor plumbing, and a reminder of how something as simple as a toilet sign can carry a bit of history with it.