HT4. Baby called ‘hideous’ is a gorgeous grown-up little girl now

Raising a child comes with its fair share of challenges, but for Marianna Bowering, it also came with an unexpected lesson in strength and unconditional love. Her daughter, Angelica, was born on May 6, 2018, with a unique feature that set her apart — a heart-shaped port-wine stain birthmark on her face.
While Marianna saw only beauty in her daughter’s appearance, the rest of the world wasn’t always as kind. Online bullies, public stares, and unsolicited comments made it clear that some people still have a narrow view of beauty. But instead of letting these experiences break her, Marianna used them as motivation to build her daughter’s confidence and show her that her differences are something to be celebrated — not hidden.
The Harsh Reality of Online Criticism
While most people offered love and support, there were still those who felt the need to comment on Angelica’s appearance. Some remarks were cruel, others outright heartless. The internet, as many parents know, can be a harsh place.
“The worst comment I’ve gotten is when someone asked if her face had been pushed onto a skillet,” Marianna revealed in an interview with The Mirror. The shocking comparison reduced Angelica’s birthmark to a “burn mark,” a comment so cruel that it left Marianna shaken.
Other people weren’t much kinder. Some called Angelica “hideous” and a “defect.” It was difficult for Marianna to hear people speak about her daughter in such a way. But instead of letting it bring her down, she decided to rise above it. Her mission was clear: Angelica would grow up knowing she was beautiful just as she is.
Turning Pain Into Power: A Mother’s Promise
For Marianna, it wasn’t enough to simply tell Angelica she was beautiful. She wanted to show her what self-love looks like. She began by participating in Vascular Birthmark Awareness Day, where people are encouraged to draw small hearts on their cheeks as a symbol of support. But for Marianna, a small heart wasn’t enough.
“I got the idea from Vascular Birthmark Awareness Day, where they encourage people to paint a heart on their cheeks,” Marianna explained. “At first, I just did the heart with my makeup, but then I thought, ‘Why don’t I go all out and do Angelica’s port-wine stain?’”
With care and patience, Marianna used makeup to replicate Angelica’s birthmark on her own face. Every curve, every shape, every shade was perfectly mirrored. It was her way of saying, “You’re beautiful, and I’m proud to look just like you.”
The moment was powerful. Marianna didn’t just talk about beauty and self-love — she embodied it. She became a reflection of her daughter’s uniqueness, showing the world that her birthmark wasn’t something to hide — it was something to celebrate.
Beauty Beyond the Surface
As Angelica grew older, the world had more opinions. Some suggested she might want to cover her birthmark with makeup one day. Others tried to reassure Marianna by saying that “it would fade over time.” But Marianna wasn’t interested in covering anything.
“Why should she have to cover it?” Marianna asked. “Why can’t she just be who she is?”
It was a profound moment of realization. Her daughter’s birthmark wasn’t a flaw that needed to be hidden. It was a part of her — just like her eyes, her nose, and her smile. And if Angelica was going to grow up with confidence, she needed to know that every part of her was worthy of love.
Marianna decided to highlight Angelica’s birthmark in a playful way. She used glitter art to turn the port-wine stain into a sparkling masterpiece. The goal was simple: make it shine. And it did. The birthmark, once a target for insults, became a symbol of joy and creativity.
Health Concerns and Medical Monitoring
Port-wine stains aren’t just a visual feature. They can also come with potential health risks. Children with port-wine stains, especially on the face, are at risk for developing glaucoma or eye-related issues. Knowing this, Marianna was proactive in ensuring her daughter’s health was a top priority.
“We just need to have regular check-ups, especially for her eyes as glaucoma can be a concern,” Marianna told The Mirror. “It was quite overwhelming to learn of these extra things that could go along with a port-wine stain.”
At first, the thought of having to undergo constant check-ups and health screenings was overwhelming. But Marianna stayed strong. She knew that monitoring Angelica’s health was just another way to ensure her daughter could live a full, happy life.
“But she is doing so well, and we couldn’t be prouder of her,” Marianna added. The relief in her voice was clear. “It breaks my heart to think about anyone being mean to her. But I see her now, and she is such a confident little girl. She isn’t afraid of anything.”
Building Confidence and Resilience
Raising a confident child isn’t easy, especially when the world tries to tear them down. But Marianna made it her mission to fill Angelica’s life with love, creativity, and pride. Her decision to paint her face like Angelica’s birthmark was more than a statement — it was an act of love.
Her actions sent a clear message to the world: “My daughter is beautiful, and I’m going to show the world.”
Through her creativity and strength, Marianna taught Angelica an important lesson — “You are enough just as you are.” It’s a message every child should hear, but for children with unique features, it’s even more important.
A Final Message for Angelica and Other Children Like Her
Angelica is still young, but one day she’ll understand everything her mom did for her. She’ll see the strength it took for Marianna to face the harsh words of strangers and fight back with love instead of hate. She’ll see how her mother’s simple act of painting her face sent a message to the world that beauty is more than skin deep.
Angelica, you are absolutely beautiful. Your birthmark is a part of you, and it makes you special. No one can take that away from you.
And to Marianna — thank you for being the kind of mom who doesn’t just talk about love — you show it. You’re teaching your daughter, and the world, that beauty comes in all forms.
Final Thoughts: True Beauty Shines From Within
Marianna and Angelica’s story is one that has inspired thousands of people worldwide. In a world that constantly pushes unrealistic beauty standards, this mother-daughter duo reminds us that being “different” is not a flaw. It’s a superpower.
Every step Marianna took, from painting her face to using glitter art, was a message to the world that beauty has no limits. Her story has sparked a conversation about love, acceptance, and the power of embracing what makes us unique.
So, to everyone reading this — take a lesson from Marianna and Angelica. Don’t hide what makes you different. Embrace it. Celebrate it. Teach your kids to love themselves, just as they are.
If this story touched your heart, share it with your friends and family. Let it be a reminder that beauty isn’t something you achieve — it’s something you already have.
So, what do you think? Do you believe this little girl is stunning and that her birthmark makes her even more unique? Let us know in the comments below!